" Smile is the curve which sets everything straight!! "

At AARESS Dental we have a range of specialized procedures aimed at enhancing the visual appeal of a patient’s smile and overall oral aesthetics. 

 With our personalized approach and tailoring interventions to individual needs, our patients not only achieve a visually pleasing smile but also lasting oral well-being.


Smile Designing
Dr.S. Seetharaman is a DSD member and is an expert in designing smiles by analysing the facial and dental features comprehensively, using advanced technology DSD helps to visualize and plan cosmetic dental procedures, allowing for a customized and patient-centric approach. The process involves digital imaging, treatment planning, and the execution of cosmetic dental procedures. The focus extends beyond functional restoration to the creation of harmonious and visually appealing smiles that complement individual facial characteristics.
Veneers are a refined solution for the enhancement of dental aesthetics and function. Crafted from ultra-thin porcelain or composite resin, these custom-made shells are meticulously bonded to the frontal surfaces of teeth. Serving as effective concealers for imperfections such as discoloration, chips, or misalignments, veneers impart a natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance.
The process initiates with a comprehensive examination, followed by meticulous tooth preparation and impression-taking.
Veneers provide a minimally invasive yet transformative approach, resulting in a symmetrical and radiant smile that harmonizes with facial features. Renowned for their durability and resistance to staining, veneers stand as a favoured choice for individuals seeking a lasting and remarkable enhancement in dental aesthetics.